Longevity Records:
Life Spans of Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles, and Fish


Rangifer tarandus (Caribou)

[10]Banfield, A.W.F., 1974. The Mammals of Canada: University Toronto Press.
[16]Bergurud, A.T., 1978. Caribou, in Big Game of North America, J.L. Schmidt and D.L. Gilbert, Editors. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books: p. 83-101.
[143]Jones, M.L., 1982. Longevity of captive mammals. Zoological Garten N. F. Jena 52: 113-28.
[273]Sadleir, R.M.F.S., 1987. Reproduction of female cervids, in Biology and Management of the Cervidae, M.W. C, Editor. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institute Press: p. 123-144.

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