General Editors

Bernard Jeune and James W. Vaupel


Vol. 1

Development of Oldest-Old Mortality, 1950-1990:

Evidence from 28 Developed Countries

Väinö Kannisto



Vol. 2

Exceptional Longevity:

From Prehistory to the Present

Bernard Jeune and James W. Vaupel (editors)


Vol. 3

The Advancing Frontier of Survival:

Life Tables for Old Age

Väinö Kannisto


Vol. 4

Population Data at a Glance:

Shaded Contour Maps of Demographic Surfaces over Age and Time

James W. Vaupel, Wang Zhenglian, Kirill F. Andreev,

and Anatoli I. Yashin


Vol. 5

The Force of Mortality at Ages 80 to 120

A. R. Thatcher, V. Kannisto, and J.W. Vaupel




Aging Research Unit

Centre for Health and Social Policy

Odense University Medical School



Updated by V. Castanova, 1 March 1999