Kannisto-Thatcher Database on Old Age Mortality
at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research


The Kannisto-Thatcher database on old age mortality (K-T database) includes data on death counts and population counts classified by sex, age, year of birth, and calendar year for more than 30 countries. This database was established for estimating the death rates at the highest ages (above age 80). The core set of data in the database was assembled, tested for quality, and converted into cohort mortality histories by Väinö Kannisto, the former United Nations advisor on demographic and social statistics.

Comparable materials on England and Wales, was made available by A. Roger Thatcher, the former Director of the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys and Registrar-General of England and Wales [Kannisto, 1994]. With research funding provided by the U.S. National Institute on Aging and the Danish Research Councils, the Kannisto-Thatcher data base was computerized under the supervision of James W. Vaupel at the Aging Research Unit of the Centre for Health and Social Policy at Odense University Medical School in 1993.

Currently, the database is maintained by the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany.


Kannisto, Väinö Development of Oldest-Old Mortality, 1950-1990: Evidence from 28 Developed Countries. Odense University Press, Odense, 1994; ISBN: 87 7838 015 4.

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