
Online Invited Seminar Talk

Mixed-Methods Research into Migration and Mobility

Laboratory of Digital and Computational Demography
Online Invited Seminar Talk, June 15, 2021

Miranda Lubbers from the Autonomous University of Barcelona reviewed the benefits that come with combining quantitative and qualitative methods in migration research in a single study.


Research into migration and mobility tend to be divided into large-scale, quantitative studies based on surveys or big data (providing range), and small-scale qualitative studies based on semi-structured interviews or ethnography (providing depth). Combining quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study is challenging, but it also has unique benefits.

Based on research of the past ten years in migration and transnational social fields, Miranda Lubbers reflects on these advantages as well as on the difficulties of conducting mixed methods research in migration and mobility. Furthermore, she would like to discuss future areas of (interdisciplinary) research.


Miranda Lubbers is an Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain. She directs the Research Group of Fundamentally Oriented Anthropology (GRAFO). Her research addresses social cohesion and social inclusion. In particular, she analyzes the role that formal and informal social relationships and settings have in the production, mitigation, or exacerbation of exclusion and segregation.

She received a 2020 ERC Advanced Grant for her proposal entitled "A Network Science Approach to Social Cohesion in European Societies" to continue this line of research. For more info about Miranda's previous works, please see her full profile and the list of publications: pagines.uab.cat/mirandalubbers/.

The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.