Digital and Computational Demography (Zagheni)
At a Glance

© RyanJLane
The main goal of the Department of Digital and Computational Demography is to advance fundamental population science, through the lens of digital and computational perspectives, for the benefit of everyone. Thematically, a first primary focal area, addressed by the Laboratory of Migration and Mobility, is on measuring, understanding, and predicting the causes and consequences of migration. A second primary focal area, addressed by the Laboratory of Population Dynamics and Sustainable Well-Being, is on monitoring, understanding, and predicting the factors that shape people’s well-being across space, time, and demographic characteristics, and as they relate to mortality and health, fertility, social and economic processes, and sustainable development. Detailed Description
Seminar Series
The Department of Digital and Computational Demography hosts various kinds of seminar talks. Here, there is an overview of past lectures, in the calendar you find future events.
Past Seminar Talks
Summer Incubator Program
The Population and Social Data Science Summer Incubator Program is a 3-month research visit for a diverse group of PhD and master students. The goal of the Summer Incubator Program is to enable discovery by bringing together data scientists and population scientists from around the world to work on focused, intensive and collaborative projects of broad societal relevance.
More Info
Alumni and current PhD students and scientists
Each year new researchers and students join the Department, while others leave to take up positions in academia, industry and international organisations. The Department maintains links with a global network of former and current research staff, listed here by the year they joined.