Since January, Kelsey Wright is a new member in the Laboratory of Fertility and Well-Being at the Department of Social Demography. In her research she focuses on family formation and fertility and how they are influenced by inequalities in society. She already had a wonderful start at the Institute with her smart, caring and fantastic coworkers. More
Olle Järv from the University of Helsinki gives a talk. More
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The stillbirth rate in Europe has been steadily improving over the last few decades, but there are some exceptions. In Germany and Belgium, rates have significantly increased since 2010, while other European countries have seen declines or stability. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) have investigated how factors like increasing maternal age and multiple births may have influenced these trends and differences across Europe. The analyses indicate that these factors explain only a small portion of the variations. More
Dańko, M. J.; Wiśniowski, A.; Jasilionis, D.; Jdanov, D. A.; Zagheni, E.:
Assessing the quality of data on international migration flows in Europe: the case of undercounting MPIDR Working Paper WP-2023-026. (2023)
Anastasiadou, A.; Volgin, A.; Leasure, D. R.:
War and mobility: using Yandex web searches to characterize intentions to leave Russia after its invasion of Ukraine Demographic Research 50:8, 205–220. (2024)
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Sachgebietsleitung Finanzen und Liegenschaften (m/w/d) More
The International Max Planck Research School for Population, Health and Data Science (IMPRS-PHDS) has been made permanent by the Max Planck Society. This decision was announced at the Annual Academy, which took place from 4 to 6 December 2024. More