Hybrid Format
Talk@MPIDR Samir K.C.
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR), Rostock, Germany, November 05, 2024
1:00 PM: Samir K.C. - Heterogeneity in Population Projection: Local to Global perspective
Hybrid Format
Room 400 and Zoom
Initiator of the PSR HUB (Nepal), Samir KC is a senior research scholar at IIASA and led the Multidimensional Demographic Modeling (MDM) Research Group in the IIASA Population and Just Societies (POPJUS) Program from 2021 to 2023. KC is a founding member of and Professor at the Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI) at Shanghai University. KC is leading ADRI's research pillar on Human Capital and Development. He is also a founding member of "Digital Data Systems for Development" in Nepal. Between 2020-2023, KC was affiliated with the Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University, as a 'Distinguished Visiting Professor.