September 03, 2024 | News
MPIDR welcomes the 2024 EDSD Cohort!
Just this week a new cohort of 15 EDSD students is starting their classes at MPIDR. The European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) is an eleven-month, sponsored program that is offered every year aiming to provide students with an appropriate high-level education in demography to pursue their doctoral studies.
The 2024 EDSD Cohort started their classes on September 2, 2024 at MPIDR. © MPIDR/Wilhelm
The students have different scientific backgrounds, such as demography, mathematics, statistics, public health, economics, sociology, geography, biology, data science, computer science, history, or a related field. During the School's preparatory courses at the MPIDR, lasting 8 weeks, the participants will acquire the basic skills needed for their demographic research. The students will then move to the French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) at Campus Condorcet, in Aubervilliers, Paris, France, where the EDSD core courses will be held until July 2025.
Students acquire a solid knowledge base on the causes and consequences of demographic change, population data, statistical and mathematical demography, modeling, simulation, and forecasting. Instruction is provided by leading international experts in the fields of study covered. Since the School places great importance on both teaching demographic methods and preparing students for a career in demography, each course will expose the students to a number of visiting lecturers discussing their areas of expertise. By the end of the year, EDSD participants will have developed an extensive network of contacts with established researchers from throughout Europe.
Further Information on the EDSD program can be found here: