Journal Article

Smertnost´ v Rossii cherez 15 let posle raspada SSSR: fakty i ob iasneniia [in Russian]

Life expectancy in Russia 15 years after the USSR dissolution: facts end explanation
SPERO, 115–142 (2007)


We attempted to systematically describe the mortality trends and sum up existing scientific explanations of the Russian health crisis. At the empirical level, we have noticed that the mortality increase in Russia is primarily associated with men of working age and with low-educated groups. At the level of death causes, the main contributors are cardiovascular diseases in older working age groups, external causes and causes of alcohol nature in more young age groups. The most evident result is that mortality is connected with dangerous alcohol consumption and mental stresses, and these two factors are possibly highly interdependent.
Keywords: Russian Federation, life expectancy
The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.