MPIDR Working Paper
An agent-based decision model of migration, embedded in the life course - Model description in ODD+D format
Klabunde, A., Willekens, F. J., Zinn, S., Leuchter, M.
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2015-002, 31 pages.
Rostock, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (June 2015)
This report contains the model description for a prototype model of migration decision making which is based on the theory of planned behavior. It makes use of empirically estimated demographic transition rates and is thus, to our knowledge, the first decision model of migration which is embedded in the life course. Moreover, it is, other than most agent-based models, a continous time model which makes heavy use of survival theory and competing risks.
The model description follows the ODD+D (``Overview, Design Concepts, Details + Decisions'') protocol as suggested in Müller et al. (2013).
Keywords: Senegal, migration