MPIDR Working Paper
Erwerbsstatus und Familienentwicklung in Schweden aus paarbezogener Perspektive
Andersson, G., Duvander, A.-Z., Hank, K.
The impact of the labor-market attachment of fathers and mothers on continued childbearing in Sweden
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2004-006, 26 pages.
Rostock, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (January 2004)
This paper investigates the role of men’s and women’s labor-market attachment in the process of family building in Sweden, taking the perspective of couples. Using register data for the years 1981 to 1999 we estimate event-history models for second and third births. It is shown that income and employment of both partners have a largely independent effect on the propensity to have another child. The effect is of similar size for men and women and points to a generally positive relationship between our employment variables and continued childbearing (which is contrary to assumptions suggested by the ‘New Home Economics’, for example). The finding that a traditional family context tends to hamper higher parity births in Sweden points to a relatively high degree of gender equity in that society.
Keywords: Sweden, family dynamics, fertility