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Podejscie jakosciowe w naukach spolecznych: jakie zyski moze przyniesc demografii laczenie badan jakosciowych z ilosciowymi?

Mynarska, M. A.
Qualitative approach in social sciences: what can demography gain by mixing qualitative and quantitative studies?
Proceedings of the Section of Demographic Analyses 16/2007
49-67 pages.
Warsaw, Section of Demographic Analyses KND PAN
in: Metodologia badañ demograficznych: seminarium naukowe 22-24 maja 2006, Zielonka, Poland (2007)


This methodological paper gives a brief overview of qualitative methods and their applications in demography. We argue that a qualitative approach can improve the comprehension of population trends, especially, when they are very complex and occur rapidly. Qualitative methods also allow for a better understanding how local cultures influence demographic behaviors. We present a few examples of qualitative demographic studies, including our own research on family formation in Poland.
The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.