

At a Glance Projects Publications Team


High-income countries are experiencing both unprecedentedly low and increasingly polarized fertility with growing social gradients in childbearing. Key theories on fertility patterns are based on the empirical observation that until recently fertility remained comparatively high in gender-egalitarian countries with strong support for families. Since 2010 many of the countries that provided evidence for such theories have reached record-low fertility. This confronts the scientific paradigm of the key drivers of fertility.   Detailed Description



The project BIOSFER is a collaboration of the Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR), the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) and Aarhus University (AU).



Selected Publications

Peters, S.; Barclay, K. J.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2022-009. (2022)    
Hellstrand, J.; Nisén, J.; Myrskylä, M.:
European Sociological Review, 1–18. (2024)    
Lee, D. S.; Nitsche, N.; Barclay, K. J.:
Population Studies 77:2, 241–261. (2023)    
Goisis, A.; Palma Carvajal, M.; Metsä-Simola, N.; Klemetti, R.; Martikainen, P.; Myrskylä, M.; Pelikh, A.; Tosi, M.; Remes, H. M.:
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 228:3, 311–312. (2023)    
Gaml-Sørensen, A.; Hjorth Thomsen, A.; Søgaard Tøttenborg, S.; Brix, N.; Sørig Hougaard, K.; Toft, G.; Håberg, S. E.; Myrskylä, M.; Bonde, J. P.; Høst Ramlau-Hansen, C.:
Human Reproduction 39:1, 219–231. (2024)    
The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.