Beitrag in einem Sammelband
Homeostasis and aging: slow-fast dynamics of senescence and death
Novoseltsev, V. N., Novoseltseva, J. A., Boiko, S. I., Yashin, A. I.
In: Carson, E., Salzsieder, E. (Eds.): Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems 2000, 71–76
Karlsburg/Greifswald, IFAC (2000)
Homeostasis, the well known physiological concept, is used to investigate aging. Slow age-wise decrease in homeostatic ability modulates metabolic processes in the organism and its resources gradually fall down, being maintained with weakening homeostatic mechanism. Death occurs when the resources beocme exhauses. Multitime-scale methods are used to model slow-fast dynamics of homeostasis, and a simple two-time-scale model is presented describin slow-fast oxygen dynamics. Drosophila Subobscura is used as an example- As the model is a mathematical correlate of the oxygen damage concept and the Rate-of -Living theory, the results of the modeling may be regarded as supporting these theory, the results of the modeling may be regarded as supporting these theories. (IFAC/International Federation of Automatic Ccontrol)