Beitrag in einem Sammelband
Reproductive behaviour and fertility intentions in four European urban contexts
Bernardi, L., Deriu, F., Di Giulio, P., Mamolo, M., Vatterrott, A.
In: Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (Ed.): Job instability and family trends, 243–267
Quaderni della Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini -
Roma, Italy, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (2007)
ISBN 978-88-95380-02-5
This chapter is an empirical investigation of the interrelation between couple socio-economic characteristics and their fertility intentions. Data comes from the CATI survey carried out in the large urban setting of Hamburg, Lubljana, Rome, and Warsaw in 2006. The target population is randomly selected and consists of about a thousand young adults (women and men aged 25-44) in each city. The survey provides detailed information to study the social background and the employment situation of the partners at the moment of forming a union as well as before birth of a child and at the moment of the interview. We use the information about the job situation of couples with one child to analyze their intention to have a second child.
Schlagwörter: Deutschland/BRD, Italien, Polen, Slowenien, couple, employment, fertility