MPIDR Working Paper

Education and permanent childlessness: Austria vs. Sweden; a research note

Neyer, G. R., Hoem, J. M.
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2008-007, 21 pages.
Rostock, Max-Planck-Institut für demografische Forschung (Februar 2008)
Open Access


In this research note we extend our previous study of the association between educational attainment and permanent childlessness in Sweden (Hoem et al., 2006) to cover Austria, and we make comparisons between the two countries. In both investigations we have defined educational attainment in terms of both educational level and educational field. We find largely the same pattern of childlessness by educational field in both countries; in particular at each educational level women educated for teaching jobs or for health occupations typically have lower childlessness than other lines of education. However, for most groups childlessness is higher in Austria, and for academic educations it is much higher. We attribute these differences to institutional differences in the two countries which may bring about a different culture of reproductive behavior.
Schlagwörter: Österreich, education, fertility
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