MPIDR Working Paper
The transition from school to work in Russia during and after socialism: change or continuity?
Bühler, C., Konietzka, D.
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2008-018, 46 pages.
Rostock, Max-Planck-Institut für demografische Forschung (April 2008)
Russia. It compares the process of entering working life during socialism (1966-1990) and the transition period (1991-2005) by utilizing information from 6,455 males and females of the "Education and Employment Survey for Russia". The results document influences both of change and of continuity. The introduction of labor markets and a mismatch between qualifications acquired at school and demanded by employers led to increasing risks of unemployment after education and first jobs at the lower levels of the occupational hierarchy. However, as the general character of the educational system and the internal structures of many firms did not change, traditional paths of mobility from educational degrees to particular occupational positions continued to exist. Thus, the transition from school-to-work in Russia did not experience an abrupt change but a gradual adjustment to the new economic order.
Schlagwörter: Russland, early adulthood, educational systems, employment, occupational qualifications, transitional society, unemployment