Weiteres Paper

Legal regulations related to demographic events and processes: selected legal regulations pertaining to children and family - social policy Poland, selected years 1950-2003

Fratczak, E., Kulik, M. C., Malinowski, M.
Proceedings of the Section of Demographic Analyses 7B
39 pages.
Warsaw, Poland, Section of Demographic Analyses KND PAN
Also available as: Proceedings of the Section of Demographic Analyses 7A. Regulacje prawne w odniesieniu do zjawisk i procesow demograficznych: Wybrane akty prawne regulujace swiadczenia na rzecz dzieci i rodziny - polityka spoleczna Polska, wybrane lata 1945-2003 (Zeszyt nr 7A Sekcji Analiz Demograficznych). (2003)


The following paper includes an overview of selected legal regulations divided into two parts and referring to: legal regulations related to demographic events and processes as well as to the regulation of selected benefits pertaining to children and family for the years 1945-2003. The illustration of the regulations between 1989 and 2003 is particularly detailed. The documentation is uniformly showing the date on which the regulation was passed in Parliament, the subject to regulation and the legal basis. The first section includes a chronological listing of legal acts and their changes that regulate: marriage, the family, divorce, separation, abortion and sexual education. Further, the institutions of divorce and separation according to Polish Law are discussed. In the second section the different benefits are divided into six distinct subgroups: insurance benefits pertaining to the family, non-insurance benefits pertaining to the family, maternity and child raising leaves, benefits from the alimony fund, family benefits from social assistance as well as other forms of help. The current benefits pertaining to the family are of twofold character: insurance benefits (financed through insurance contributions) and non-insurance benefits (financed through the state budget). The maternity and care allowances, regulated through the law on monetary benefits from social assistance in the case of illness and maternity (Journal of Law 1999 No. 60, item 636 and changes), belong to the insurance-type benefits. Some of the non-insurance benefits are: the family allowance, the care allowance, the child raising allowance, benefits from the alimony fund, benefits form social assistance such as: the one-time maternity allowance, the guaranteed temporary allowance, the permanent allowance as well as the monetary assistance for partial coverage of the living expenses on a foster child. According to our knowledge we cover all categories of means pertaining to children and family that were and are currently available in Poland.
Schlagwörter: Polen, government policy, regulations, social policy
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