The role of consensual unions in Romanian total fertility
Hoem, J. M., Mureşan, C.
Stockholm research reports in demography 2011/16
13 pages.
Stockholm, Stockholm University Demography Unit (SUDA) (2011)
The purpose of the present paper is to complete previous analyses of duration-based Total Fertility Rates specific for union types (TUFRs) as contained in the Romanian Generations and Gender Survey. The present analysis covers the period 1965-2005, going back twenty more years than before. It reproduces negative educational gradients in fertility, now for women in consensual unions and in direct marriages, separately. Partnered Romanian women have a high duration-based Total Fertility Rate even when they are enrolled in education. For women with a low educational attainment we find that the total fertility in marital and in cohabitational unions are largely of the same size order. The Total Fertility Rate for a consensual union that is converted into a marriage appears as a contribution from the cohabitational period added to a separate contribution from the marital period.