Affiliate Researcher

László Németh


Human Fertility Collection Projects details
Human Fertility Database Projects details
Human Mortality Database Projects details
Migration and Mobility of Scholars Projects details
Mortality Disparities at Subnational Level Projects details
Scholarly Migration Database Projects details
Vanguard Project: Mortality and Life Expectancy in Population Groups Projects details

MPIDR Publications

Recent All

Brønnum-Hansen, H.; Németh, L.; Jasilionis, D.; Foverskov, E.:
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 1–9. (2023)
Sobotka, T.; Zeman, K.; Jasilioniene, A.; Winkler-Dworak, M.; Brzozowska, Z.; Alustiza Galarza, A.; Németh, L.; Jdanov, D. A.:
Population and Development Review, 1–36. (2023)    
Enroth , L.; Jasilionis, D.; Németh, L.; Strand, B. H.; Tanjung, I.; Sundberg, L.; Fors, S.; Jylhä, M.; Brønnum-Hansen, H.:
European Journal of Ageing 19:2, 161–173. (2022)    
Shkolnikov, V. M.; Klimkin, I.; McKee, M.; Jdanov, D. A.; Alustiza Galarza, A.; Németh, L.; Timonin, S. A.; Nepomuceno, M. R.; Andreev, E. M.; Leon, D. A.:
SSM-Population Health 18:101118, 1–13. (2022)    
Jdanov, D. A.; Alustiza Galarza, A.; Shkolnikov, V. M.; Jasilionis, D.; Németh, L.; Leon, D. A.; Boe, C.; Barbieri, M.:
Scientific Data 8:235, 1–8. (2021)    

The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.