February 27, 2017 | News | Obituary
Jan M. Hoem passed away
Former MPIDR director Jan M. Hoem in his Rostock office in 2006 © MPIDR
Jan M. Hoem passed away February 25th. He has been MPIDR director until 2007 and founded the Laboratory for Fertility and Family Dynamics in Europe. He trained many of today’s younger family demographers.
Obituary by James Vaupel, founding director oft the MPIDR:
Jan M. Hoem died on Saturday in Stockholm after a long illness. Jan became Director of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in 1999; he and I jointly led the Institute for almost 8 years. He was a superb colleague, with very good judgement, a delightful sense of humor, and deep devotion to research quality. A pioneer of event history analysis, he understood the subtleties of the subject better than anyone else.
Jan was born and educated in Norway and worked in Oslo before becoming Professor in Copenhagen and then Professor in Stockholm, where he established SUDA (The Stockholm University Demography Unit), a leading demographic research initiative. His dedication to high-quality, statistically-sophisticated population research at SUDA and MPIDR substantially advanced the discipline of Demography.
Jan was a warm and generous teacher, a loyal colleague and a caring friend whom many people will long remember with gratitude and respect.