November 10, 2022 | News | Welcome to the MPIDR

Marcus Ebeling is a new Research Scientist at the Laboratory of Population Health


Marcus Ebeling has conducted research at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm on the demographic consequences of disease prevention on individuals, health care, and society. He will continue this work at the MPIDR. For him and his family, it is a return to Rostock and to the Institute; they are happy to be closer to family and friends again.

What question drives you most in your research?

At the Karolinska Institutet, I was the only demographer in a wonderful group of epidemiologists. This has shaped my perspective on diseases and how they interact with health and mortality improvements. Preventing diseases from occurring along with all the improvements made in managing diseases once they are diagnosed have very different demographic consequences and pose different challenges to individuals, health care, and the society at large. Investigating these various demographic consequences of disease prevention is the main focus of my current work.

What are you looking forward to as you start working at the MPIDR?

Since I worked at the Institute before, I know how vibrant and stimulating the research environment is. I am looking forward to be part of this again and to collaborate with my new and old colleagues!

What do you like most about Rostock?

As we lived in Rostock before, we have still very close ties to the city. The mixture of size, people and surrounding makes Rostock a special place for us. Both of our kids were also born here, and their grandparents are not living too far away. I guess many parents of young children would agree that this is another huge asset.

What are you obsessed with at the moment besides demography?

Through my kids, I got obsessed with LEGO and we spent quite some time in building new things. I also love to play and watch football. I watch most games in the stadium and I already joined a team where I play twice a week.


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The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.