MPIDR Working Paper
Der Übergang in eine nacheheliche Partnerschaft: eine vergleichende Analyse zwischen Männern und Frauen auf Basis des deutschen Generations and Gender Surveys
Jaschinski, I.
Re-partnering after divorce in Germany: a comparison between men and women based on analysis with the Generations and Gender Survey
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2009-038, 28 pages.
Rostock, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (December 2009)
Due to continuous high marital dissolution rates, re-partnering becomes increasingly a regular life course experience. However, only few empirical studies have addressed the topic of re-partnering after divorce. This analysis uses data from the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) conducted in 2005 to study patterns of post-divorce union formation in Germany. Particular attention is given to potential gender differences. Surprisingly, the empirical investigation shows no major gender differences in re-partnering rates. High education increases re-partnering rates for both sexes. There is, however, a gender difference how age at divorce determines re-partnering behavior. While women who are older at divorce experience a rather low rate of re-partnering, we do not find such a clear pattern for their male counterparts. (Key words: post-divorce re-partnering, re-partnering, separation, divorce, event history)
Keywords: divorce, separation