Demografische Daten
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The Impact and Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Fertility
Aiva Jasilioniene, Dmitri A. Jdanov, Domantas Jasilionis, Isabella Marinetti, Mikko Myrskylä; in Zusammenarbeit mit Tomáš Sobotka, Kryštof Zeman (beide: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna Institute of Demography, Österreich)
The COVID-19 pandemic and the unprecedented countermeasures adopted by countries had major effects on individuals and families and inevitably influenced their childbearing plans. We investigate fertility changes in response to the pandemic and test the potential role of selected contextual factors in the pronounced fertility shifts observed. Ausführliche Beschreibung
Daten und Erhebungen, Demografischer Wandel, Familienverhalten, Geburtenentwicklung
Jasilioniene, A.; Jasilionis, D.; Jdanov, D. A.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2024-006. (2024)
Sobotka, T.; Zeman, K.; Jasilioniene, A.; Winkler-Dworak, M.; Brzozowska, Z.; Alustiza Galarza, A.; Németh, L.; Jdanov, D. A.:
Population and Development Review, 1–36. (2023)
Sobotka, T.; Jasilioniene, A.; Alustiza Galarza, A.; Zeman, K.; Németh, L.; Jdanov, D. A.:
SocArXiv papers. unpublished. (2021)