Statistical Demography
At a Glance
Multiple Time Scales in Survival and Event-History Models (Dissertation)
Angela Carollo, Jutta Gampe, Hein Putter (Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands); in Collaboration with Paul H.C. Eilers (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Standard event-history analysis models the occurrence of events along a single time axis of interest. However, in many applications several time scales are relevant, and this project develops methods to model the hazard of events over multiple time scales simultaneously. Detailed Description
Statistics and Mathematics
Carollo, A.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
Software. The Comprehensive R Archive Network: CRAN. (2024)
Carollo, A.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Putter, H.; Gampe, J.:
Statistics in Medicine, 1–15. (2024)

Carollo, A.; Putter, H.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
arXiv e-prints 2408.15058. unpublished. (2024)

Carollo, A.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Putter, H.; Gampe, J.:
arXiv e-prints 2305.09342. unpublished. (2023)

Carollo, A.; Putter, H.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
SocArXiv papers. unpublished. (2023)

Carollo, A.; Putter, H.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
In: Proceedings of the 36th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM), Trieste, Italy, 18–22 July 2022, 123–128. Trieste: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste. (2022)

Carollo, A.; Gampe, J.:
In: Proceedings of the 34th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Guimarães, Portugal, July 7-12, 2019, volume II, 96–100. Statistical Modelling Society. (2020)
Carollo, A.; Putter, H.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
In: Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling: July 20-24, 2020, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain, 31–34. Bilbao: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua. (2020)