Demografie der Arbeit
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Determinants and Consequences of Retirement
Peter Eibich, Christian Dudel, Angelo Lorenti, Julian Schmied; in Zusammenarbeit mit Léontine Goldzahl (EDHEC Business School, Roubaix, Frankreich), Irene Mosca (Maynooth University, Irland), Ricky Kanabar (University of Bath, Großbritannien), Alexander Plum (Auckland University of Technology, Neuseeland)
We study how health and health behaviors affect the timing of labor-force exits of older workers and examine the effects of retirement on the behavior of older people. We disentangle the complex relationship between health and labor-market participation, using state-of-the-art methods for causal inference, such as regression discontinuity design techniques. Ausführliche Beschreibung
politische Maßnahmen, Politik, Verwaltung, Wohlfahrtsstaat, Wirtschaft, Erwerbstätigkeit, Ruhestand
Lorenti, A.; De Rose, A.; Racioppi, F.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2024-038. (2024)
Akesaka, M.; Eibich, P.; Hanaoka, C.; Shigeoka, H.:
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. forthcoming. (2023)
Eibich, P.; Lorenti, A.; Mosca, I.:
Labour Economics 76:102185, 1–16. (2022)
Kanabar, R.; Mazur, A.; Plum, A.; Schmied, J.:
The Aging Male 25:1, 29–40. (2022)
Hale, J. M.; Bijlsma, M. J.; Lorenti, A.:
SSM-Population Health 15:100855, 1–12. (2021)
Eibich, P.; Goldzahl, L.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-011. (2020)
Eibich, P.; Kanabar, R.; Plum, A.; Schmied, J.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-033. (2020)
Eibich, P.; Lorenti, A.; Mosca, I.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-015. (2020)
Eibich, P.; Siedler, T.:
European Economic Review 124:103392, 1–41. (2020)
Hale, J. M.; Bijlsma, M. J.; Lorenti, A.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-013. (2020)
Pedron, S.; Maier, W.; Peters, A.; Linkohr, B.; Meisinger, C.; Rathmann, W.; Eibich, P.; Schwettmann, L.:
Economics & Human Biology 38:100893, 1–14. (2020)