Fertilität und Wohlbefinden
Auf einen Blick
Shifts in the Fertility–Development Nexus at the Macro and Micro Level
Jessica Nisén (MPIDR / University of Helsinki, Finnland), Aiva Jasilioniene, Daniel Ciganda, Andres Castro, Nicolas Todd, Mikko Myrskylä, Natalie Nitsche; in Zusammenarbeit mit multiple researchers The EAPS Working Group on Register-Based Fertility Research (European Association for Population Studies, The Hague, Welt), Ryohei Mogi (University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Dänemark), Peter Fallesen (Rockwool Foundation Berlin, Institute for the Economy and the Future of Work, Deutschland)
There is increasing evidence of substantial shifts in how the development of human populations and the socioeconomic status of individuals are related to fertility. This project identifies the determinants of these shifts. Ausführliche Beschreibung
Mogi, R.; Lazzari, E.; Nisén, J.; Canudas Romo, V.:
Population Studies 77:1, 1–14. (2023)
Abufhele, A.; Pesando, L. M.; Castro Torres, A. F.:
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 82:100736, 1–14. (2022)
Castro Torres, A. F.:
Current Sociology, 1–30. (2022)
Castro Torres, A. F.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2022-002. (2022)
Castro Torres, A. F.; Batyra, E.; Myrskylä, M.:
Population and Development Review 48:1, 189–215. (2022)
Castro Torres, A. F.; Gutierrez Vazquez, E. Y.:
International Migration Review 56:4, 1107–1140. (2022)
Castro Torres, A. F.; Gutierrez Vazquez, E. Y.; Bernardes, T.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2022-003. (2022)
Castro Torres, A. F.; Parrado, E. A.:
Demographic Research 46:2, 37–64. (2022)
Esteve, A.; Castro-Martin, T.; Castro Torres, A. F.:
Annual Review of Sociology 48, 485–505. (2022)
Hellstrand, J.; Nisén, J.; Myrskylä, M.:
European Journal of Population 38:2, 191–221. (2022)
Liu, C.; Castro Torres, A. F.; Batyra, E.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2022-004. (2022)
Castro Torres, A. F.; Batyra, E.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2021-009. (2021)
Hellstrand, J.; Nisén, J.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2021-008. (2021)
Mogi, R.; Nisén, J.; Canudas-Romo, V.:
Demography 58:1, 321–344. (2021)
Nisén, J.; Klüsener, S.; Dahlberg, J.; Dommermuth, L.; Jasilioniene, A.; Kreyenfeld, M.; Lappegård, T.; Li, P.; Martikainen, P.; Neels, K.; Riederer, B.; te Riele, S.; Szabó, L.; Trimarchi, A.; Viciana, F.; Myrskylä, M.; Wilson, B.:
European Journal of Population 37:1, 263–295. (2021)
Todd, N.; Lerch, M.:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118:29, 1–6. (2021)
Wood, J.; Marynissen, L.; Nisén, J.; Fallesen, P.; Neels, K.; Trimarchi, A.; Dommermuth, L.; Van Gaalen, R.; Kolk, M.; Martikainen, P.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2021-021. (2021)
Castro Torres, A. F.; Gutierrez Vazquez, E. Y.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-027. (2020)
Hellstrand, J.; Nisén, J.; Myrskylä, M.:
Population Studies 74:3, 315–329. (2020)
Nisén, J.; Hellstrand, J.; Martikainen, P.; Myrskylä, M.:
Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 85:4, 358–369. (2020)
Nitsche, N.; Hayford, S.:
Demography 57:6, 1975–2001. (2020)
Wood, J.; Klüsener, S.; Neels, K.; Myrskylä, M.:
Population, Space and Place 26:8, e2342–e2342. (2020)
Riffe, T.; Barclay, K. J.; Klüsener, S.; Bohk-Ewald, C.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2019-002. (2019)