
Daniel Ciganda


Leveraging Micro-Level Computational Models to Advance Fertility Forecasting Details
Shifts in the Fertility–Development Nexus at the Macro and Micro Level Details

Publikationen am MPIDR

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Ciganda, D.; Lorenti, A.; Dommermuth, L.:
Population Studies, 1–20. (2024)    
Ciganda, D.; Todd, N.:
Royal Society Open Science 11:11, 1–14. (2024)    
Ciganda, D.; Hellstrand, J.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2023-010. (2023)    
Fostik, A.; Fernández Soto, M.; Ruiz-Vallejo, F.; Ciganda, D.:
European Journal of Population 39:25, 1–47. (2023)    
Ciganda, D.; Todd, N.:
Population Studies 76:3, 495–513. (2022)    

Andere Publikationen

De Armas G., Valiño A., Baccino J., Alvarez R., Ciganda D.:
In: Vázquez Guevara V (Ed.). Statistics, Probability and its Applications. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Mexico.
De Armas G., Rodriguez S., Alvarez R., Carrasco H., Ciganda D.:
IESTA Working Paper. Volume 2, 20 pages. Statistics Institute, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of the Republic, Uruguay

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