Fertility and Well-Being
At a Glance
Medically Assisted Reproduction
Conducted by Mikko Myrskylä; Susie Lee, Pekka Martikainen (MPIDR / University of Helsinki, Finland); in Collaboration with Alice Goisis (University College London, United Kingdom)
This project examines the extent to which medically assisted reproduction is linked to health and social outcomes for children conceived by this method, as well as for their parents. Detailed Description
Fertility Development, Health Care, Public Health, Medicine, and Epidemiology
Goisis, A.; Palma Carvajal, M.; Metsä-Simola, N.; Klemetti, R.; Martikainen, P.; Myrskylä, M.; Pelikh, A.; Tosi, M.; Remes, H. M.:
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 228:3, 311–312. (2023)
Goisis, A.; Palma Carvajal, M.; Metsä-Simola, N.; Klemetti, R.; Martikainen, P.; Myrskylä, M.; Pelikh, A.; Tosi, M.; Remes, H. M.:
SSRN research paper series 4109037. unpublished. (2022)
Pelikh, A.; Smith, K. R.; Myrskylä, M.; Goisis, A.:
Obstetrics & Gynecology 139:2, 211–222. (2022)
Remes, H. M.; Palma Carvajal, M.; Peltonen, R.; Martikainen, P.; Goisis, A.:
European Journal of Population 38:5, 915–949. (2022)
Goisis, A.; Myrskylä, M.:
Die Gynäkologie 54:12, 917–921. (2021)
Barbuscia, A.; Martikainen, P.; Myrskylä, M.; Remes, H. M.; Somigliana, E.; Klemetti, R.; Goisis, A.:
Human Reproduction 35:1, 212–220. (2020)
Barbuscia, A.; Myrskylä, M.; Goisis, A.:
SSM-Population Health 7:100355, 1–11. (2019)
Goisis, A.; Remes, H. M.; Martikainen, P.; Klemetti, R.; Myrskylä, M.:
The Lancet 393:10177, 1225–1232. (2019)