Fertility and Well-Being
At a Glance
Grindstad, T.; Håberg, S. E.; Basso, O.; Hanevik, H. I.; Caspersen, I. H.; Arge, L. A.; Ramlau-Hansen, C. H.; Myrskylä, M.; Magnus, M. C.:
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 263:114492, 1–9. (2025)

Arge, L. A.; Lee, Y.; Skåra, K. H.; Myrskylä, M.; Ramlau-Hansen, C. H.; Håberg, S. E.; Magnus, M. C.:
Human Reproduction 39:12, 2806–2815. (2024)

Beck, K. C.; Hellstrand, J.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2024-009. (2024)

Büyükkeçeci, Z.; Kühn, M.; Håberg, S. E.; Ramlau-Hansen, C. H.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2024-012. (2024)

Carollo, A.; Putter, H.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
arXiv e-prints 2408.15058. unpublished. (2024)

Ciganda, D.; Lorenti, A.; Dommermuth, L.:
Population Studies, 1–20. (2024)

Ciganda, D.; Todd, N.:
Royal Society Open Science 11:11, 1–14. (2024)

Flatø, M.; Lee, D. S.; Kinge, J. M.; Magnus, M. C.; Ramlau-Hansen, C.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2024-035. (2024)

Gaml-Sørensen, A.; Hjorth Thomsen, A.; Søgaard Tøttenborg, S.; Brix, N.; Sørig Hougaard, K.; Toft, G.; Håberg, S. E.; Myrskylä, M.; Bonde, J. P.; Ramlau-Hansen, C. H.:
Human Reproduction 39:1, 219–231. (2024)

Jasilioniene, A.; Jasilionis, D.; Jdanov, D. A.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2024-006. (2024)

Lee, D. S.; Barclay, K.:
Human Reproduction. accepted. (2024)

Lee, D. S.; Barclay, K. J.; Magnus, M. C.; Ernst, A.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2024-034. (2024)

Leopold, T.; Becker, C. C.; Büyükkeçeci, Z.; Çineli, B.; Raab, M.:
Demographic Research 51:25, 789–808. (2024)

Magnus, M. C.; Lee, Y.; Carlsen, E. Ø.; Arge, L. A.; Jugessur, A.; Kvalvik, L. G.; Morken, N.; Ramlau-Hansen, C. H.; Myrskylä, M.; Magnus, P.; Håberg, S. E.:
BMC Medicine 22:554, 1–10. (2024)

Nitsche, N.; Wilde, J.; Myrskylä, M.:
Malden, MA, USA: Wiley, Population and Development Review 50.S1. (2024)

Peters, S.; Mannerström, R.; Salmela-Aro, K.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2024-028. (2024)

Schubert, H.-A.; Dudel, C.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2024-010. (2024)

Schubert, H.-A.; Skirbekk, V.; Nisén, J.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2024-040. (2024)

Wilde, J.; Chen, W.; Lohmann, S.; Abdel Ghany, J.:
Population and Development Review 50:S1, 421–446. (2024)

Batyra, E.; Leone, T.; Myrskylä, M.:
Population Studies 77:2, 179–195. (2023)

Batyra, E.; Pesando, L. M.:
Population Studies, 1–19. (2023)

Batyra, E.; Pesando, L. M.; Castro Torres, A. F.; Furstenberg, F. F.; Kohler, H.-P.:
Population, Space and Place, 1–15. (2023)

Castro Torres, A. F.:
Studies in Family Planning, 1–23. (2023)

Castro Torres, A. F.; Gutierrez Vazquez, E. Y.:
The Sociological Review 71:6, 1423–1447. (2023)
Ciganda, D.; Hellstrand, J.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2023-010. (2023)

Fostik, A.; Fernández Soto, M.; Ruiz-Vallejo, F.; Ciganda, D.:
European Journal of Population 39:25, 1–47. (2023)

Goisis, A.; Palma Carvajal, M.; Metsä-Simola, N.; Klemetti, R.; Martikainen, P.; Myrskylä, M.; Pelikh, A.; Tosi, M.; Remes, H. M.:
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 228:3, 311–312. (2023)

John, B. M.; Nitsche, N.:
Demography 60:2, 411–430. (2023)

Jung, M.; Lee, D. S.:
Demographic Research 48:30, 867–882. (2023)

Keenan, K.; Barclay, K. J.; Goisis, A.:
Population Studies 77:1, 71–90. (2023)

Lee, D. S.; Batyra, E.; Castro Torres, A. F.; Wilde, J.:
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290:1998, 1–16. (2023)
Lee, D. S.; Nitsche, N.; Barclay, K. J.:
Population Studies 77:2, 241–261. (2023)

Lee, D. S.; Semenchenko, H.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2023-011. (2023)

Lee, D. S.; Semenchenko, H.:
Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, 1–11. (2023)

Liu, C.; Castro Torres, A. F.; Batyra, E.:
Sociology Compass 17:12, e13138–e13138. (2023)

Mogi, R.; Lazzari, E.; Nisén, J.; Canudas Romo, V.:
Population Studies 77:1, 1–14. (2023)

Nisén, J.; Erlandsson, A.; Jalovaara, M.:
INVEST working papers 75/2023, Turku. (2023)

Nitsche, N.; Grunow, D.; Hudde, A.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2023-033. (2023)

Palumbo, L. V.; Berrington, A.; Eibich, P.; Vitali, A.:
Population Studies 77:2, 263–289. (2023)

Peters, S.:
Genus 79:6, 1–40. (2023)

Peters, S.; Striessnig, E.; Testa, M.R.; Trimarchi, A.; Nitsche, N.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2023-023. (2023)

Schubert, H.-A.; Dudel, C.; Kolobova, M.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2023-022. (2023)

Schubert, H.-A.; Dudel, C.; Kolobova, M.; Myrskylä, M.:
Demography, 1–25. (2023)

Abufhele, A.; Pesando, L. M.; Castro Torres, A. F.:
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 82:100736, 1–14. (2022)

Barclay, K. J.; Smith, K. R.:
Demography 59:3, 1117–1142. (2022)

Batyra, E.; Kohler, H.-P.:
Studies in Family Planning 53:3, 389–565. (2022)

Castro Torres, A. F.:
Current Sociology, 1–30. (2022)

Castro Torres, A. F.; Alburez-Gutierrez, D.:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119:10, e2119373119–e2119373119. (2022)

Esteve, A.; Castro-Martin, T.; Castro Torres, A. F.:
Annual Review of Sociology 48, 485–505. (2022)
Gabay-Egozi, L.; Nitsche, N.; Grieger, L.:
Sex Roles 86:1-2, 106–126. (2022)

García Arias, J. A.; Castro Torres, A. F.:
BMJ Global Health 7:8, e009523–e009523. (2022)

García-Gómez, J.; Loi, S.; Nitsche, N.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2022-033. (2022)

Gardner, E. J.; Neville, M. D. C.; Samocha, K. E.; Barclay, K. J.; Kolk, M.; Niemi, M. E. K.; Kirov, G.; Martin, H. C.; Hurles, M. E.:
Nature 603:7903, 858–863. (2022)
John, B.; Adjiwanou, V.:
Population Studies 76:2, 213–233. (2022)

John, B.; Nitsche, N.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2022-011. (2022)

John, B.; Nitsche, N.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2022-017. (2022)

John, B.; Nitsche, N.:
Population and Development Review 48:4, 1163–1201. (2022)

Lee, D. S.; Knittel, T.; Deschner, T.; Heistermann, M.; Higham, J. P.:
Hormones and Behavior 139:105123, 1–11. (2022)
Lerch, M.:
Population: English Edition 76:3, 433–460. (2022)
Nisén, J.; Bijlsma, M. J.; Martikainen, P.; Wilson, B.; Myrskylä, M.:
Advances in Life Course Research 53:100496, 1–16. (2022)

Nisén, J.; Jalovaara, M.; Rotkirch, A.; Gissler, M.:
Finnish Journal of Social Research 15:2022, 25–44. (2022)

Nisén, J.; Tassot, J.; Iacoella, F.; Eibich, P.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2022-021. (2022)

Nitsche, N.; Hudde, A.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2022-008. (2022)

Nitsche, N.; Jasilioniene, A.; Nisén, J.; Li, P.; Kniffka, M. S.; Schöley, J.; Andersson, G.; Bagavos, C.; Berrington, A.; Čipin, I.; Clemente, S.; Dommermuth, L.; Fallesen, P.; Galdauskaite, D.; Jemna, D.; Lerch, M.; McDonnell, C.; Muller, A.; Neels, K.; Pötzsch, O.; Ramiro, D.; Riederer, B.; te Riele, S.; Szabó, L.; Toulemon, L.; Vignoli, D.; Zeman, K.; Žnidaršič, T.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2022-027. (2022)

Nitsche, N.; Lee, D. S.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2022-020. (2022)

Palumbo, L. V.:
Southampton: University of Southampton. unpublished. (2022)
Peters, S.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2022-037. (2022)

Väisänen, H.; Batyra, E.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2022-032. (2022)

Barclay, K. J.; Lyngstad, T. H.; Conley, D.:
European Sociological Review 37:4, 607–625. (2021)

Batyra, E.; Pesando, L. M.:
SSM-Population Health 14:100811, 1–12. (2021)

Dudel, C.; Klüsener, S.:
European Journal of Population 37:2, 417–441. (2021)

John, B.; Nitsche, N.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2021-022. (2021)

Kniffka, M. S.; Nitsche, N.; Rau, R.; Kühn, M.:
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 155:3, 483–489. (2021)

Kolk, M.; Barclay, K. J.:
Intelligence 84:101514, 1–11. (2021)

Lee, D. S.; Kang, Y. H. R.; Ruiz-Lambides, A. V.; Higham, J. P.:
Journal of Animal Ecology 90:12, 2901–2914. (2021)

Mogi, R.; Nisén, J.; Canudas-Romo, V.:
Demography 58:1, 321–344. (2021)

Morwinsky, S.; Nitsche, N.; Acosta, E.:
Demographic Research 45:45, 1355–1372. (2021)

Nisén, J.; Klüsener, S.; Dahlberg, J.; Dommermuth, L.; Jasilioniene, A.; Kreyenfeld, M.; Lappegård, T.; Li, P.; Martikainen, P.; Neels, K.; Riederer, B.; te Riele, S.; Szabó, L.; Trimarchi, A.; Viciana, F.; Myrskylä, M.; Wilson, B.:
European Journal of Population 37:1, 263–295. (2021)

Nitsche, N.; Brückner, H.:
European Journal of Population 37:2, 371–403. (2021)

Nitsche, N.; Matysiak, A.; van Bavel, J.; Vignoli, D.:
Comparative Population Studies 46, 533–554. (2021)

Savelieva, K.; Nitsche, N.; Berg, V.; Miettinen, A.; Rotkirch, A.; Jokela, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2021-010. (2021)

Wood, J.; Marynissen, L.; Nisén, J.; Fallesen, P.; Neels, K.; Trimarchi, A.; Dommermuth, L.; Van Gaalen, R.; Kolk, M.; Martikainen, P.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2021-021. (2021)

Barbuscia, A.; Martikainen, P.; Myrskylä, M.; Remes, H. M.; Somigliana, E.; Klemetti, R.; Goisis, A.:
Human Reproduction 35:1, 212–220. (2020)

Barclay, K. J.; Baranowska-Rataj, A.; Kolk, M.; Ivarsson, A.:
Population Studies 74:3, 363–378. (2020)

Barclay, K. J.; Kolk, M.:
Population and Development Review 46:4, 757–785. (2020)

Bijlsma, M. J.; Wilson, B.:
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society/A 183:2, 493–513. (2020)

Campisi, N.; Kulu, H.; Mikolai, J.; Klüsener, S.; Myrskylä, M.:
Population, Space and Place 26:4, e2308–e2308. (2020)

Castro Torres, A. F.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-001. (2020)

Dudel, C.; Cheng, Y. A.; Klüsener, S.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-018. (2020)

Gabay-Egozi, L.; Grieger, L.; Nitsche, N.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-031. (2020)

Gardner, E. J.; Neville, M. D. C.; Samocha, K. E.; Barclay, K. J.; Kolk, M.; Niemi, M. E. K.; Kirov, G.; Martin, H. C.; Hurles, M. E.:
bioRxiv preprints. unpublished. (2020)

Hellstrand, J.; Nisén, J.; Miranda, V.; Fallesen, P.; Dommermuth, L.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-007. (2020)

Hellstrand, J.; Nisén, J.; Myrskylä, M.:
Population Studies 74:3, 315–329. (2020)

Keenan, K.; Barclay, K. J.; Goisis, A.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-004. (2020)

Kolk, M.; Barclay, K. J.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-010. (2020)

Lerch, M.:
Population and Development Review 46:3, 557–582. (2020)
Lerch, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-014. (2020)

Lerch, M.; Spoorenberg, T.:
Demographic Research 42:30, 827–858. (2020)

Nitsche, N.; Hayford, S.:
Demography 57:6, 1975–2001. (2020)

Nitsche, N.; Trimarchi, A.; Jalovaara, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-029. (2020)

Pötzsch, O.; Klüsener, S.; Dudel, C.:
WISTA - Wirtschaft und Statistik 2020:5, 59–77. (2020)

Spilerman, S.; Barclay, K. J.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2020-017. (2020)

Wood, J.; Klüsener, S.; Neels, K.; Myrskylä, M.:
Population, Space and Place 26:8, e2342–e2342. (2020)

Barbuscia, A.; Myrskylä, M.; Goisis, A.:
SSM-Population Health 7:100355, 1–11. (2019)

Barclay, K. J.; Kolk, M.:
European Journal of Population 35:1, 63–85. (2019)

Barclay, K. J.; Kolk, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2019-020. (2019)

Baudin, T.; Stelter, R.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2019-005. (2019)

Ciganda, D.; Lorenti, A.:
In: Social Informatics 11th International Conference, SocInfo 2019, Doha, Qatar, November 18–21, 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science., 218–238. Cham: Springer. (2019)
Ciganda, D.; Todd, N.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2019-024. (2019)

Dudel, C.; Klüsener, S.:
Population Studies 73:3, 439–449. (2019)

Dudel, C.; Klüsener, S.:
MPIDR Technical Report TR-2019-001. (2019)
Dudel, C.; Klüsener, S.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2019-023. (2019)

Einiö, E.; Goisis, A.; Myrskylä, M.:
SSM-Population Health 8:100458, 1–10. (2019)

Fox, J. F.; Klüsener, S.; Myrskylä, M.:
European Journal of Population 35:3, 487–518. (2019)

Goisis, A.; Remes, H. M.; Martikainen, P.; Klemetti, R.; Myrskylä, M.:
The Lancet 393:10177, 1225–1232. (2019)
Hellstrand, J.; Nisén, J.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2019-006. (2019)

Kashyap, R.:
Population Studies 73:1, 57–78. (2019)

Klüsener, S.; Dribe, M.; Scalone, F.:
Demography 56:1, 169–199. (2019)

Kolk, M.; Barclay, K. J.:
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286:1902. (2019)
Lerch, M.:
Population and Development Review 45:2, 301–320. (2019)

Lerch, M.:
PLOS One 14:7, e0219624–e0219624. (2019)

Molitoris, J.; Barclay, K. J.; Kolk, M.:
Demography 56:4, 1349–1370. (2019)

Nisén, J.; Bijlsma, M. J.; Martikainen, P.; Wilson, B.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2019-017. (2019)

Nisén, J.; Klüsener, S.; Dahlberg, J.; Dommermuth, L.; Jasilioniene, A.; Kreyenfeld, M.; Lappegård, T.; Li, P.; Martikainen, P.; Neels, K.; Riederer, B.; te Riele, S.; Szabó, L.; Trimarchi, A.; Viciana, F.; Wilson, B.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2019-018. (2019)

Riffe, T.; Barclay, K. J.; Klüsener, S.; Bohk-Ewald, C.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2019-002. (2019)

Szołtysek, M.; Poniat, R.; Klüsener, S.; Gruber, S.:
In: Cliometrics of the family, 83–119. Cham: Springer. (2019)
Arslan, R. C.; Willführ, K. P.; Frans, E. M.; Verweij, K. J. H.; Bürkner, P.-C.; Myrskylä, M.; Voland, E.; Almqvist, C.; Zietsch, B. P.; Penke, L.:
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285:1873, 20180092–20180092. (2018)

Arslan, R. C.; Willführ, K. P.; Frans, E. M.; Verweij, K. J. H.; Bürkner, P.-C.; Myrskylä, M.; Voland, E.; Almqvist, C.; Zietsch, B. P.; Penke, L.:
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285:1884, 20181427–20181427. (2018)

Barclay, K. J.:
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 54, 56–65. (2018)

Barclay, K. J.; Kolk, M.:
Demography 55:3, 929–955. (2018)

Barclay, K. J.; Lyngstad, T. H.; Conley, D.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2018-002. (2018)

Barclay, K. J.; Myrskylä, M.:
Population Studies 72:2, 157–173. (2018)

Bohk-Ewald, C.; Li, P.; Myrskylä, M.:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115:37, 9187–9192. (2018)

Goisis, A.; Remes, H. M.; Barclay, K. J.; Martikainen, P.; Myrskylä, M.:
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 72:12, 1104–1109. (2018)

Goisis, A.; Schneider, D. C.; Myrskylä, M.:
Population Studies 72:3, 381–397. (2018)

Lappegård, T.; Klüsener, S.; Vignoli, D.:
Population, Space and Place 24:2, e2088–e2088. (2018)

Lerch, M.:
Population Studies 72:2, 217–234. (2018)

Nisén, J.; Martikainen, P.; Myrskylä, M.; Silventoinen, K.:
European Journal of Population 34:3, 337–366. (2018)

Wanner, P.; Lerch, M.; Galanxhi, E.:
In: Regards sur la population de l'Europe du Sud-Est, 105–113. Athens: Demobalk. (2018)
Arslan, R. C.; Willführ, K. P.; Frans, E. M.; Verweij, K. J. H.; Bürkner, P.-C.; Myrskylä, M.; Voland, E.; Almqvist, C.; Zietsch, B. P.; Penke, L.:
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London/B 284:1862, 20171562–20171562. (2017)

Baranowska-Rataj, A.; Barclay, K. J.; Kolk, M.:
Population Studies 71:1, 43–63. (2017)

Barclay, K. J.; Hällsten, M.; Myrskylä, M.:
Social Forces 96:2, 629–660. (2017)

Barclay, K. J.; Kolk, M.:
Demography 54:2, 459–484. (2017)

Bijlsma, M. J.; Wilson, B.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2017-013. (2017)

Ciganda, D.; Villavicencio, F.:
In: Agent-based modelling in population studies: concepts, methods, and applications, 405–435. Cham: Springer. (2017)
Dudel, C.:
Demografische Forschung Aus Erster Hand 14:2, 3–3. (2017)

Dudel, C.; Klüsener, S.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2017-019. (2017)

Goisis, A.; Özcan, B.; Myrskylä, M.:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114:1, 84–88. (2017)

Goisis, A.; Remes, H. M.; Barclay, K. J.; Martikainen, P.; Myrskylä, M.:
American Journal of Epidemiology 186:11, 1219–1226. (2017)

Goisis, A.; Schneider, D. C.; Myrskylä, M.:
International Journal of Epidemiology 46:3, 850–859. (2017)

Kashyap, R.; Villavicencio, F.:
In: Agent-based modelling in population studies: concepts, methods, and applications, 343–367. Cham: Springer. (2017)
Kolk, M.; Barclay, K. J.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2017-020. (2017)

Lerch, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2017-011. (2017)

Myrskylä, M.; Barclay, K. J.; Goisis, A.:
Der Gynäkologe 50:10, 767–772. (2017)

Pifarré i Arolas, H.:
Journal of Population Economics 30:4, 1211–1239. (2017)

Szołtysek, M.; Klüsener, S.; Poniat, R.; Gruber, S.:
Cross-Cultural Research 51:3, 228–262. (2017)

Szołtysek, M.; Poniat, R.; Klüsener, S.; Gruber, S.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2017-012. (2017)

Wood, J.; Klüsener, S.; Neels, K.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2017-014. (2017)

Barclay, K. J.; Hällsten, M.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2016-008. (2016)

Barclay, K. J.; Keenan, K.; Grundy, E.; Kolk, M.; Myrskylä, M.:
Social Science and Medicine 155, 82–92. (2016)

Barclay, K. J.; Myrskylä, M.:
Population and Development Review 42:1, 69–94. (2016)

Barclay, K. J.; Myrskylä, M.:
SSM-Population Health 2, 68–76. (2016)

Barclay, K. J.; Myrskylä, M.:
Population and Development Review 42:4, 711–711. (2016)

Barclay, K. J.; Myrskylä, M.; Tynelius, P.; Berglind, D.; Rasmussen, F.:
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 167, 15–22. (2016)

Baudin, T.; Stelter, R.:
IRES discussion papers 2016/20, Louvain-la-Neuve. (2016)

Dudel, C.; Klüsener, S.:
Demographic Research 35:53, 1549–1560. (2016)
Kashyap, R.; Villavicencio, F.:
Demography 53:5, 1261–1281. (2016)
Klüsener, S.; Dribe, M.; Scalone, F.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2016-009. (2016)

Klüsener, S.; Scalone, F.; Dribe, M.:
In: Agent-based modelling in population studies: concepts, methods, and applications, 369–403. Cham: Springer. (2016)
Margolis, R.; Myrskylä, M.:
European Journal of Population 32:3, 403–420. (2016)
Barclay, K. J.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2015-009. (2015)

Fox, J. F.; Klüsener, S.; Myrskylä, M.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2015-006. (2015)

Fox, J. F.; Myrskylä, M.:
Demographic Research 32:16, 487–532. (2015)
Kashyap, R.; Esteve, A.; Garcia-Roman, J.:
Demography 52:1, 183–208. (2015)
Klüsener, S.:
The History of the Family 20:4, 593–628. (2015)
Margolis, R.; Myrskylä, M.:
Demography 52:4, 1147–1166. (2015)
Santavirta, T.; Myrskylä, M.:
Demographic Research 33:1, 1–30. (2015)
Willführ, K. P.; Störmer, C.:
Historical Life Course Studies 2, 58–85. (2015)
Barclay, K. J.; Myrskylä, M.:
Social Science and Medicine 123, 141–148. (2014)

Myrskylä, M.; Elo, I. T.; Kohler, I.; Martikainen, P.:
Social Science and Medicine 119, 215–223. (2014)
Myrskylä, M.; Margolis, R.:
Demography 51:5, 1843–1866. (2014)
Nisén, J.; Martikainen, P.; Silventoinen, K.; Myrskylä, M.:
Demographic Research 31:5, 119–136. (2014)
Nisén, J.; Myrskylä, M.; Silventoinen, K.; Martikainen, P.:
Population Studies 68:3, 321–337. (2014)
Schmertmann, C.; Zagheni, E.; Goldstein, J. R.; Myrskylä, M.:
Journal of the American Statistical Association 109:506, 500–513. (2014)
Schnettler, S.; Klüsener, S.:
Environmental Health 13:117, 1–13. (2014)
Jelenkovic, A.; Silventoinen, K.; Tynelius, P.; Myrskylä, M.; Rasmussen, F.:
PLOS One 8:5, e63361–e63361. (2013)
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