Research Group Leader

Alyson van Raalte

Research Group: Lifespan Inequalities
MaxHel Center

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Alyson van Raalte leads the research group Lifespan Inequalities funded by a starting grant from the European Research Council. She is best known for her work on lifespan variation and socioeconomic inequality, which has been published in Science, Demography, the International Journal of Epidemiology and other leading disciplinary journals. In recognition of this body of work, Alyson was the recipient of the mid-career European Demographer Award from Population Europe.

Alyson holds a PhD in public health from Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, and is an alumnus of the European Doctoral School of Demography.

MPIDR Publications

Selected Recent All

van Raalte, A. A.; Sasson, I.; Martikainen, P.:
Science 362:6418, 1002–1004. (2018)    
van Raalte, A. A.:
Population Studies 75:Suppl. 1, S105–S132. (2021)    
van Raalte, A. A.; Caswell, H.:
Demography 50:5, 1615–1640. (2013)
van Raalte, A. A.; Kunst, A. E.; Deboosere, P.; Leinsalu, M.; Lundberg, O.; Martikainen, P.; Strand, B. H.; Artnik, B.; Wojtnyniak, B.; Mackenbach, J. P.:
International Journal of Epidemiology 40:6, 1703–1714. (2011)
Vaupel, J. W.; Zhang, Z.; van Raalte, A. A.:
BMJ Open 1:1, e000128–e000128. (2011)

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The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.