How long do we live? Demographic models and reflections on tempo effects
Barbi, E., Bongaarts, J., Vaupel, J. W. (Eds.)

Demographic research monographs 05
XIII, 284 pages. Berlin [et al.], Springer (2008)
ISBN 978-3-540-78519-4
Full Text
How long do we live? Demographic models and reflections on tempo effects: An introduction
Elisabetta Barbi
I. Theoretical basis for the mortality tempo effect
Estimating mean lifetime
John Bongaarts, Griffith Feeney
The quantum and tempo of life-cycle events
John Bongaarts, Griffith Feeney
II.Critiques, extensions and applications of the mortality tempo effect
Demographic translation and tempo effects: An accelerated failure time perspective
Germán Rodríguez
Lifesaving, lifetimes and lifetables
James W. Vaupel
Tempo and its tribulations
Kenneth W. Wachter
Tempo effects in mortality: An appraisal
Michel Guillot
Increments to life and mortality tempo
Griffith Feeney
Mortality tempo versus removal of causes of mortality: Opposite views leading to different estimations of life expectancy
Hervé Le Bras
Tempo effect on age-specific death rates
Shiro Horiuchi
Mortality tempo-adjustment: Theoretical considerations and an empirical application
Marc Luy
III. Comparison of period and cohort measures of longevity
Five period measures of longevity
John Bongaarts
Found in translation? A cohort perspective on tempo-adjusted life expectancy
Joshua R. Goldstein
IV. Conclusions
Afterthoughts on the mortality tempo effect
John Bongaarts, Griffith Feeney
Turbulence in lifetables: Demonstration by four simple examples
James W. Vaupel
Two proofs of a recent formula by Griffith Feeney
Jutta Gampe, Anatoli Yashin